The Magical Battle for America 3.25.18


Now’s probably a good time to remind everyone to check/refresh the wards on your home or wherever you do this work.  Be sure that you’re rested, grounded, and in a comfortable position.  Maybe wrap up in a blanket or cloak and grasp a stone or talisman that matters to you.  Grow your roots, send them deep into the soil, let them intertwine and grow small hairs to attach to the mycelia in your own landbase.


Anchor yourself firmly to your landbase.  Notice a small detail that will call you back when this working is finished.

Ground and center.  Cast a circle.


As you move to our American plain on the astral plane, you can see again the safe hillock where you do your work.  You can see the five giant banners, shining in the sky:  Walden Pond, the Underground Railroad, the Cowboy, the Salmon, and Lady Liberty.  Do they seem more defined since we began our work?  Do they have anything special to tell you this week?

For a few moments, just sit on your hillock and allow yourself to become comfortable. This place should be feeling very real to you by now; we’ve been working together to create it for months and months.  What’s become familiar to you?  A tuft of prairie grass?  Buffalo off in the distance?  The scent of sand carried on the wind?  You’ve been involved in a months-long magical working here, joined with magic workers from across the globe.  Feel your connection to this place on the astral plane.  It is always here for you, always a source of strength.

As you look west across America, the sun begins to set and Mercury is just visible above the western horizon.  Just now, Mercury is in retrograde and we all know that this means that communications, travel, technology, and contracts are apt to go awry unless everything is checked and double-checked.  Of course, careful planning is something that Donald Trump simply cannot and does not do.

Can you see all of that disruptive retrograde energy swirling across the country, emanating from Mercury?  Maybe it looks like the eddies in an interconnected stream of energy.  Maybe you see road bumps and potholes popping up along the nation’s energetic highway.  Maybe you sense it as an increasingly dissonant set of squawks in an otherwise peaceful melody.  However you sense it, stand on your hillock and gather some of that energy.  You are a powerful magic worker and your cause is just.  Gather as much as you can use, but no more.

Now, direct that energy at Trump’s plans to hurt America and Americans.  See it creating pandemonium with his use of ICE to tear apart families and imprison children.  See it interrupting his plans to appoint unqualified, extreme, and non-diverse judges.  See it throwing into turmoil his attempts to restrict women’s access to reproductive health.  See the disruptive force of Mercury retrograde undoing Trump’s own ability to create bedlam.  Hold the energy focused on your goal for as long as you are able.  Hold it while you visualize him confused, error-prone, making mistakes on Twitter that expose his plans, failing to create effective contracts.  Hold it until you are ready and then release it.     Allow any extra energy to run back to Mercury, hanging low in the western sky.


As you sit on your hillock and rest, know that you are not working alone.  The Resistance — both magical and in all of its mundane (phone banking, check writing, representative calling, letter writing, canvassing, voting, volunteering, tutoring, restoring wetlands, growing plants for bees) manifestations — is huge.  Know that you are a powerful worker of magic, rooted in your very own landbase, working with the strong archetypes of this land, assisted by countless unseen others who labor in league with you.  You are brave and growing braver.  Your magic and your practical workings can make the difference.  The five banners and your local schools are always available to you when you want to do magic to strengthen America.


Return to your own body, your own landbase.  Open your eyes.  Rub your face, move your arms and legs.  Notice the detail you selected to call you back from the astral.  Open your circle.  Drink something, maybe cold milk or hot broth.  If you like, have something to eat, maybe sliced strawberries with sweetened sour cream or mushrooms sautéed with asparagus spears.

During the course of this week, you may want to visit the bannered prairie several times in order to strengthen its presence on the astral.  You may want to repeat this working.  You may want to place something on your altar to help you to remember to direct the retrograde energy back at Trump.  Can you stare into a candle?   What actions are you inspired to take for the Resistance?  If you’re willing, please share in comments what happened and how this working went.  Did any tricksters show up to aid your work?

Picture found here.

2 responses to “The Magical Battle for America 3.25.18

  1. I am lighting candles for sure!

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