The Magical Battle for America 9.2.18


Now’s probably a good time to remind everyone to check/refresh the wards on your home or wherever you do this work.  Be sure that you’re rested, grounded, and in a comfortable position.  Maybe wrap up in a blanket or cloak and grasp a stone or talisman that matters to you.  Grow your roots, send them deep into the soil, let them intertwine and grow small hairs to attach to the mycelia in your own landbase.


Anchor yourself firmly to your landbase.  Notice a small detail that will call you back when this working is finished.

Ground and center.  Cast a circle.


As you move to our American plain on the astral plane, you can see again the safe hillock where you do your work.  You can see the five giant banners, shining in the sky: Walden Pond, the Underground Railroad, the Cowboy, the Salmon, and Lady Liberty.  Do they seem more defined since we began our work? Do they have anything special to tell you this week?

For a few moments, just sit on your hillock and allow yourself to become comfortable.  This place should be feeling very real to you by now; we’ve been working together to create it for months and months.  What’s become familiar to you?  A tuft of prairie grass?  Buffalo off in the distance?  The scent of sand carried on the wind?  You’ve been involved in a months-long magical working here, joined with magic workers from across the globe.  Feel your connection to this place on the astral plane. It is always here for you, always a source of strength.

Look to the Southeast where the banner of the Underground Railroad begins to grow in the sky.  It becomes larger and larger until it fills the sky.  As you watch, it becomes three-dimensional and you can step into it.  You find yourself at nightfall in the woods just outside a large plantation.  You look up and see that Harriet Tubman has climbed a near-by tree and is perched on the lookout, waiting for her passengers to slip away in the night and begin their trip.

One by one, two by two, enslaved people begin to appear in the woods.  They are frightened and they have only the few things they could carry away with them without arousing suspicion.  But they are incredibly brave, willing to risk everything for freedom.  They stand quiet as cats, as still as rocks, as hidden as the shadows.  Finally, Miss Tubman jumps down from her perch and gives a silent signal.  She begins to walk a hidden patch through the woods and the gathered passengers follow her, trying to walk without making a sound.

America’s politicians seem these days to be completely lacking in courage — the courage it would take to actually stand up to Trump and stop his attacks on our democracy.  They need an infusion of courage.

When Miss Tubman’s group finally rests — just before dawn — you go to her and tell her about our cowardly Senators and Congresspersons.  You tell her how even those who gather the courage to speak up still fail to take any real action.  You ask her how she inspired so many people to be so brave, so willing to take risks.

Listen carefully to what she tells you as she unrolls her pack and prepares to take the first watch.  Repeat her words so that you will remember them.  As she perches on a nearby boulder, her words slow and she looks directly at you.  Does she have a special message for you about your own courage?  Thank her for her wisdom, her courage, and for what she did to make America a better, freer place.

Now, walk out of the banner back to your hillock.  There, you find a piece of paper and a pen.  Write a letter to your representatives and give them Miss Tubman’s message.  Hold your hands over the paper and fill it with courage.

Now, breathe.  Slowly, come down and begin to walk back to your own landbase.

Open your eyes.  Rub your arms and face.  Notice the detail that you selected to call yourself back.  Drink something, maybe a glass of iced tea or water with sliced cucumbers.  Have something to eat, maybe a crisp apple or a piece of cornbread.  Can you now write that letter on paper and mail it?

Maybe you can set up a small altar dedicated to courage. You may want to repeat this working several times this week.  You may want to journal about it.  Are you inspired to make any art? If you’re willing, please share in comments what happened and how this working went.

Picture found here.

11 responses to “The Magical Battle for America 9.2.18

  1. Green greetings– I am cutting back on email and screen time. For some reason there are unsubscribe links that dont work and this is one. Please would you unsubscribe me? Thank you!



  2. Wonderful working here. I have shared it and will do it gladly. Thank you!

  3. I just emailed my senators and representative. They could certainly use some courage!

  4. I am late to the party and feel like I need a review of the basics here – the safe hillock, the American plain, the banners… is there a way to access the first of these workings when you were establishing these things? Thanks!

  5. i was reminded that the work doesn’t stop. That you also don’t announce what you’re doing; you do it.

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