The Magical Battle for America 9.23.18


Now’s probably a good time to remind everyone to check/refresh the wards on your home or wherever you do this work.  (No, really.  You really need to do this.)  Be sure that you’re rested, grounded, and in a comfortable position.  Maybe wrap up in a blanket or cloak and grasp a stone or talisman that matters to you.  Grow your roots, send them deep into the soil, let them intertwine and grow small hairs to attach to the mycelia in your own landbase.


Anchor yourself firmly to your landbase.  Notice a small detail that will call you back when this working is finished.

Ground and center.  Cast a circle.


As you move to our American plain on the astral plane, you can see again the safe hillock where you do your work.  You can see the five giant banners, shining in the sky: Walden Pond, the Underground Railroad, the Cowboy, the Salmon, and Lady Liberty.  Do they seem more defined since we began our work? Do they have anything special to tell you this week?

For a few moments, just sit on your hillock and allow yourself to become comfortable.  This place should be feeling very real to you by now; we’ve been working together to create it for months and months.  What’s become familiar to you?  A tuft of prairie grass?  Buffalo off in the distance?  The scent of sand carried on the wind?  You’ve been involved in a months-long magical working here, joined with magic workers from across the globe.  Feel your connection to this place on the astral plane. It is always here for you, always a source of strength.

As you look out across America, you see millions and millions and millions of very angry women.  You see women who knitted pink hats and marched, crowded into public spaces, the day after Trump was inaugurated.  You see women who decided to run for office even though they HADN’T spent years serving on local boards and advisory commissions, hadn’t made “connections,” hadn’t built the kind of resume a candidate normally builds.  You see women so incandescently angry that they wake up EVERY MORING to call their Senators, canvass for other women, write postcards, register voters, and phone bank.

But this week, women seem even angrier than ever before.  Young women are furious that their right to birth control may disappear.  Old women are full of rage that the very battles they fought decades ago still need to be refought.  You locate the source of their current rage:  powerful Republican men (often men who are in their 70s and 80s) who are determined to put a man who will fight (and who will fight dirty if needed) to uphold Patriarchy in a lifetime post on the Supreme Court.  He will make women’s lives hell, deny them any ability to control when and with whom they have sex, when and how they will have children, where and why they may attempt to exist as actual humans.

Wow.  Women are REALLY angry.

Stand up on your hillock and ride that anger.  See it as a wave and climb up on your surfboard.  A surfer harnesses the energy of a wave — which is really the energy of the Moon and of Mamma Gaia’s gravitational power — to reach a goal.  As the wave rolls by, jump in!  Is that Salmon swimming along, a few feet under the water, guiding you with Her wisdom?  Surfers are such an American icon — especially now when Hawaiian Senator, Mazie Keiko Hirono, is the hera for women’s anger.  As you surf across America, lift your left hand and gather up all of that anger.  Hold it until it feels as if you will explode and then — all at once — release it at the electorate.  See them showing up at the polls on Nov. 6th to vote for candidates — women and men — who will stand up for women’s rights.  See Salmon swim alongside you and leap into the air as you release the energy of that anger.

Gradually, the wave returns you to your hillock.  Foam swirls around your hillock and imbues it with some extra energy.  If you need to — and many of us do — ground that anger and let it seep into Mother Earth where, as we know, one thing becomes another in the Mother, in the Mother.  Let the anger seep out, leaving you empowered but not incapacitated.  See the anger fueling the growth of mycelia deep within Mother Earth.  See it becoming compost for future growth.  See it drilling deep beneath the roots of Patriarchy.


Slowly, come down from your hillock and begin to walk back to your own landbase.

Open your eyes.  Rub your arms and face.  Notice the detail that you selected to call yourself back.  Drink something, maybe the tears of rapists or a smoothie made from cider, some cinnamon, and honey.  Have something to eat, maybe the heart of your enemy or a bowl of popcorn.  Maybe you can set up a small altar dedicated to surfers.  You may want to repeat this working several times this week.  You may want to journal about it.  Are you inspired to make any art? If you’re willing, please share in comments what happened and how this working went.

Picture found here.


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