Relationship with the Land — Part 2

I wrote recently about the concept of “re-enchanting the Earth,” and what that means for many modern Pagans. But why is a relationship to your landbase important to Witches?

I think that one reason why it’s worth the time to cultivate a relationship with your landbase is that magic is stronger — and spiritual practice in general is stronger — when you involve the Earth in it.

Why do I often say “landbase” instead of “Earth”? You can see that picture from the Moon of the Earth and feel a lot of things about the whole Earth and realize that that is exceptional. But just like when we say, “Oh I love humanity!” that’s fine — but how about the person who lives next door to you? How about the person who works in the cubicle next to you? We can say, “Oh, I love nature,” but what about the dandelions in your yard? What about the river that overflows its banks? Being aware of and having your magic strengthened by “the Earth” is, to me, hugely about, not 100%, but hugely, about the Earth where you are.

So why is there a need for “re-enchanting,” for re-establishing a relationship with your local landbase?

We sometimes say, “Oh, well people today move around a whole bunch and that’s one reason why it’s hard to be in relationship with a place because you might only be there for a little while,” and, yes, we do tend to move around — many of us –but so did a lot of our ancestors. Some of our ancestors were nomads. Some of our ancestor might have lived in the village during the Winter but moved up into the high meadows to herd the sheep in the Summer. Some of our ancestors did a lot of hunting or hunting/gathering. Some of our ancestors were merchants who got in their ships and sailed around the edges of Europe, or Africa, or South America. Some of our ancestors went on pilgrimages. So the idea that we can’t be in relationship with our landbase because we move is false. We may have to work a little harder sometimes. We may have to learn a set of skills for how to move to a new place and introduce ourselves to the Earth. But its something we can do.

Do you ever introduce yourself to the land? If you travel and will be somewhere for a few days, do you ever bring an offering to the new land?

Picture of Earthrise found here.

5 responses to “Relationship with the Land — Part 2

  1. I read a book several years ago about precisely this – re-enchantment of our world. I think the author’s name was Berman? Mostly the just of his discussion was about how the world came to be an enchanted under the auspice is of the dominant patriarchal religions. After all if there was going to be a rapture and a new world, it makes this one disposable, doesn’t it? He wasn’t religious in outline, nor was he pagan – but his points were valid and heart-wringing.

    I work daily to feel connected to the land I walk on. I walk my own property daily pulling a weed here, watering a tree there,. Today we cut down dead trees and cleared away the flammable brush as our wildfire season has already begun. I feel the thirst in my pines and go for water. I feed crows, squirrels, hummingbirds- I observe their condition.

  2. I regularly begin my prayers: “Father/Mother God, Blessed Earth of which WE ALL ARE.” (Then I try to feel my body’s vibration of atoms and molecules and envision the big blue Earth in order to realize I am part of its consciousness).

    This Spring – the 5th I’ve had since moving from West Los Angeles to Asheville, NC in July of 2015, the awakening of the earth and the greening of the mountains has been especially poignant. I live about a mile from one of the entrances to the Blue Ridge Parkway (one of the reasons I moved here) and I envision Hildegard of Bingen and her love of the greenness of nature and its aliveness enjoying the blossoming of dogwood and the mountains regaining their leaves after winter. What a miracle our world is.

  3. The best kind of magic — gardens, food, coffee, beer, cocktails PLUS compost!! Central Texas Gardener — and a video about this amazing cafe in Austin — and how the land is re-enchanted for all!

  4. When I visited South Africa, I took some of my home soil, crystal formations found in my state, and indigenous powdered herbs, carefully wrapped in white cotton and bound with linen embroidery floss. My friends escorted me to the Atlantic coast beach, and I buried my offering in the sand before the oncoming tide to introduce myself and thank the Spirits of the Land and Sea.

  5. Pingback: Building Ethical Relationships with the Land – Serendipities

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